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6 Things Necessary For A Student Visa Application

Studying abroad at one of the fine universities in Australia is a dream that can easily become a reality with help from the student visa programme. The key to success is making sure your paperwork is in order, which you can only do if you know what you need to turn in with your visa application.

1. Confirmation of Enrolment

Before applying for your visa, you must first apply to and be accepted by your school of choice. If you are not yet residing in Australia at the time of visa application, then a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for the offered course of study is all that is required. For prospective student visa holders that are currently residing in Australia under a different visa type, a letter of offer from the university of choice may be accepted in lieu of a COE. 

2. Identification Paperwork

Proper identification is typically provided via a recognised international passport from your country of origin. It's also a good idea to include further proof of identity with your application to avoid any delays in the event the information is required at a later time. In addition to a photocopy of your passport, consider including copies of your birth certificate along with that of a driving license or another national identification card. 

3. Entrance Statement

The entrance statement is more accurately called a Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement. Entrant requirements under a student visa are subject to change, so always verify the current requirements before assembling the GTE. Generally, it must include documentation of the evidence that you are prepared for study in Australia, such as copies of academic transcripts, proof of any employment once in the country, and any other qualifications that make you a good candidate for a student visa.

4. Health Coverage

It's imperative that you have proof of proper health coverage in Australia before submitting your visa application. A coverage plan that is OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) approved is sufficient, so include copies of the document verifying this.

5. Language Proficiency

Although there is no official language in Australia, English is the most common working language, and visa applicants must show enough proficiency to be able to get value out of the classes they take. Include a copy of your scores from your IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with your visa application.

6. Financial Support

The financial support requirement is simply proof that you can support yourself, along with any family you bring, while you are studying in Australia. Copies of bank and financial statements, or statements of support from family members, will usually satisfy this requirement.

Contact a student visa consultant to learn more about applying for a student visa
